About Us
A small town with a rich history.
In 2008, a group of residents of the New Oxford area had the vision to establish a community-based organization with the principal purpose of celebrating the history, heritage, and associated stories of the Eastern Adams County, New Oxford area region and surrounding communities.
The vision continues to this day in the programs, events, historical collections and actions undertaken by the New Oxford Area Historical Society (NOAHS).
We believe in the New Oxford community.
Throughout the years, the members of the NOAHS have since amassed an impressive collection of artifacts, documents, and photographs that tell the story of New Oxford and its people.
With a rich calendar of events, exhibits, and programs, the New Oxford Area Historical Society is a valuable resource for anyone interested in local history and culture.
Current Directors and Officers
Michael Schen, President
Doug Ruhlman, Vice President
April Majka, Secretary
David Moul, Treasurer
Cathy Carter
Robert Wilson
Sherry (Cline) Wise
Earlier Directors
Christine Arato
Bob Berwager
Guillermo Bosch
Carrie Cserr
Jim Dysart
Elaine Gerwig
Mary Jo Higinbotham
Karen Johnston
Anita Kennedy-Muccino
John Marymont
Deanna Mayberry
Lanny Mummert
Beverly Smith
Patrick Sullivan
Ruth Sullivan
Nancy Zickafoose
Volunteers and leadership who aim to celebrate our unique significance.
Since its founding, NOAHS has been led by a dedicated cadre of volunteers and individuals who serve as its Directors and the people who “make things happen.”
Being a community-based, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, NOAHS is indebted to those who continually strive to enhance the quality of life within our community and region through its programs and activities.
To become part of the team that keeps NOAHS relevant and ready for the 21st Century, we invite individuals to become a member and a volunteer. It is, after all, these people that “make things happen.”