Support the Society and Become a Member

Support the New Oxford Area Historical Society and help preserve our community!

In addition to our programs and events. The New Oxford Area Historical Society works to selectively retain, protect, restore and preserve historical artifacts, archives & documents that have unique historical significance to New Oxford and the surrounding area.

We invite all persons and businesses who believe in this work to help the Society accomplish its goals by becoming a supporter and member. Every contribution helps NOAHS accomplish our goals, continue to bring focus and interest in the history and heritage of our area and bring recognition to our treasured historical sites.

Ways to help:

Become a Member:

Membership in NOAHS is open to all persons, groups and organizations, businesses, or non-profits who are history lovers. We invite you to join NOAHS and help support and celebrate our beautiful Eastern Adams County communities and region. Membership dues, donations, and sponsorship contributions to NOAHS are tax deductible.


The New Oxford Area Historical Society is entirely run by volunteers. Volunteers will find many different opportunities to help. Volunteers are needed to maintain our website and assist with walking tours, picnics, caroling & many other events.

Contact us!


Sponsorship and underwriting opportunities for events exist for businesses.

Contact us!

Make a Monetary Contribution:

Monetary donations are the lifeblood of our organization. Your generosity helps us create programming for the community & preserve our artifacts. All donations, small or large,  are greatly appreciated. The New Oxford Area Historical Society is a 501c3 organization.

Ways to donate.


Donation of Artifacts & Objects:

The New Oxford Area Historical Society is always looking for items of historical importance to the area to add to its historical collection. Please contact us for more information.


Support the Society!

With donations, the society is able to maintain and expand its collection, organize engaging events, and promote the heritage of the region. Your support can help ensure that New Oxford's unique history is not lost to time, but rather celebrated and shared with all who come across it.

Thank You
